Making Messaging Safer and Less Intrusive.
One Download at a Time.
An App with a Mission
We at XTER TEXTER believe that everyday digital communication can be safer and less intrusive.
A short disruption can result in a loss of sleep, a failed job interview, or even a car accident.
The number of accidents caused by irresponsible messaging is growing every year.
Today 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.
At the same time, excessive cell phone use and its distractions cause anxiety and stress.
That’s why we built XTER TEXTER (XT), the first app designed for responsible messaging.
Download it now at

User Testimonials
A Long History of Satisfied Users

I think XTER TEXTER’s most important benefit is being able to send messages and know that the recipient won’t be disturbed. I have friends who have busy schedules, and it’s too much work to keep track of what they’re doing and where. I would have no idea if someone has a meeting or is off on a business trip.
Kris Michaels

Many times, I was in a situation where I suddenly recalled something, I had forgotten several times before. I wanted to tell that to my wife before I would forget it again. So, I went ahead and texted her. I felt relieved from the burden of remembering the info, but I also felt guilty because sending that message was irresponsible. I knew it could catch her at a wrong moment at work or even while she was driving.
Skyler Adelson

I ask my friends/family to use XTER TEXTER when the message isn’t urgent and important. This means less distractions from my work or if I’m in a meeting. Having that comfort is a relief for me because I know that if there’s something non-time sensitive, I can always get to it when I actually have the free time to check my phone or after/outside work
Frankie Bolder
The First App Designed for Responsible Messaging.
XTER TEXTER is for people who care about the safety, the wellbeing, and the success of their friends and family.

Send messages with a piece of mind. Your recipients won’t get notified at a wrong moment.
XT detects when people might be driving.
Fact: 25% of our survey respondents said they were put in uncomfortable and dangerous situations by phone notifications. Some of them even got into car accidents.

Take care of your significant other’s well-being. Allow them to receive your messages safely at a right time.
XT allows users to set do-not-disturb zones.
Fact: In one survey, 80% of students agreed that using a mobile phone in class decreases their ability to pay attention. What is worse is that mobile device usage is distracting to neighboring students.
Take care of your significant other’s well-being. Allow them to receive your messages safely at a right time.
XT allows users to set do-not-disturb zones.
Fact: In one survey, 80% of students agreed that using a mobile phone in class decreases their ability to pay attention. What is worse is that mobile device usage is distracting to neighboring students.

Keep your main apps for important messages.
Use XT for messaging everything else.
XT doesn’t affect your global notifications settings.
As opposed to the built-in do-not-disturb mode, XT doesn’t block all notifications. It doesn’t affect your overall phone notification settings. XT simply withholds notifications about unimportant or non-urgent messages until you are ready to receive them.
Many people do not know how to use the built-in “Do not disturb” mode correctly. Google returns 64 million pages on the question “How to turn do not disturb off?”

Respect other people’s priorities.
XT allows setting do-not-disturb time frames.
According to our survey, 58% of the respondents almost never consider what their message recipient might be doing at a moment. And about 30% will send their message despite knowing that it could put their recipient in an uncomfortable or even dangerous situation.
Respect other people’s priorities.
XT allows setting do-not-disturb time frames.
According to our survey, 58% of the respondents almost never consider what their message recipient might be doing at a moment. And about 30% will send their message despite knowing that it could put their recipient in an uncomfortable or even dangerous situation.

It all sounds great, but what does this App actually do?
Xter Texter is a messenger that you can use to send texts, pictures, or videos to your friends and family without disturbing them at a wrong moment. XT will hold message notifications for the users if they are driving or in a do-not-disturb area or time frame.
Will my messages still arrive if I’m in a do-not-disturb area?
Yes, all the messages that will be sent to you will be saved. You will be able to view them at any time.
What if I send an urgent message and the recipient won’t see due to the DnD settings?
Your main messaging and phone call applications wont get affected by Xter Texter, allowing you to be notified of what you really want to get notified.
I’ve seen other Apps that serve similar purposes. What makes yours the best?
XTER TEXTER is the first app designed specifically for responsible messaging. All the features XT has are designed to allow sending messages without distracting your recipients at the wrong moments. Also, it doesn’t affect your phone’s global notification settings, so you can always receive important messages through other apps.
Is Xter Texter for texts only ? Can i send pictures too ?
You can send text messages, images, and videos.
Does XTER TEXTER work in Canada?
Xter Texter works in any country as long as both the recipient and the sender have internet connection and Xter Texter installed on their phones.
Get In Touch
Email info@xtertexter.com
Baton Rouge, Louisiana